Admission Helpline : Welcome To Jingle bell School, The school is run by J.B EDUCATION TRUST (Regd. with Civic Body.) + 91 9818257544 , 9643917956
Admission Helpline : +91-9818257544 , 9643917956

Admission Process

Admission Process

Apply Online Admission Form (2025-26)

Admission Criteria

Admission into Jingle Bell School is taken at the Play Group to 8th  level and Registration starts in the hole years except 1st -8th . Admission carries on till the classes are not filled. There is no written admission test for Play group and Nursery but  will be can oral test & basic writing skills for LKG/UKG & Ist to VIII th classes. Every child will be assessed by the school to understand.

  • Academic readiness.
  • Social and emotional development.
  • Ability of the school to serve the needs of the child.
  • Involvement of the Parents required.

Based on the assessment and others criteria, school reserves the right to admit any students for admission or refuse admission without assigning any reason. For all matters related to admission the decision of the Principal/Management will be final.

The Jingle Bell School offer a high quality educational experience and nurturing environment that fosters sharp learning skills. We are proud of the caliber of our staff and the work that they do; we are even prouder of the students with whom we work day by day.

At The Jingle Bell School we have strived to make our admission process as simple as possible to ensure that all prospective parents enjoy a stress free application experience.

Step 1: School Visit & Interaction with the Principal

Parents / Guardians are invited to visit the school to understand the culture and ethos of the Institution. A meeting can be scheduled with the Principal, so parents can have an interaction with the Head of the school, ask questions and collect any information they require regarding admission..

The Registration forms can be collected from the school Admission Office. Duly fill the application form and can be submit it at the School reception with INR 100/-.

Step 1: Registration

The parents are requested to fill out the online registration form and also upload the latest Passport size  student photo/ Parents photo/ Parents Id/ birth certificate/ Previous report card/TC if applicable (form 1st class).   After that your received the confirmation of registration.

After satisfactorily completed of submitted form and documents, parents will receive an admission offer by registered email with student login id and password and may pay the applicable fees to confirm admission..

Step 3: Acceptance of Admission

  1. Students are admitted on First Come, First Served basis depending on vacancies
  2. We conduct no formal interviews with the child or the parent.
  3. Selected candidates will be required to make the fee payment within 2 days of the confirmation by email.
  4. The school reserves the right to admissions. In all matters pertaining to admission, the decision of the Admission Committee will be final.

You will receive an Admission Confirmation Letter by E-mail, from the school. To Pay the fees go to on your browser. Click on Student Login Portal available on the homepage.

Enter your user name and password in the student portal.  As forwarded by email after registration.

Once you are logged in, click on fee and select online Admission fee payment from the drop down and click on proceed.

Select the payment method from the drop down, namely – Credit Card, Debit card or Net banking etc. Enter your card or bank details. Make sure to enter correct details.

This will inform you about further formalities, to be completed The parent needs to fill up the admission form and ensure all documents are in order. Kindly intimate the school in case your child requires some special assistance due to any health reasons.

The following documents need to be attached with the manual  application form to complete the registration process

List of documents required at the time of admission:

  • Copy of the Birth Certificate
  • Copy of Report Card of previous year (only needed for admission to class Lkg/Ukg onwards)
  • Evidence of having report card the previous class.
  • 2 photographs student
  • 2 parents photographs
  • Original TC from the previous school (for students seeking admission from class 1 onwards)
  • Original Certificates may be produced at the time of admission for verification
  • Photocopies of all achievement certificates in the field of Academics, Sports, Extra Curricular activities.
  • The Admission documentation booklet must also be completed and duly signed by both Parents. It contains information which will assist you in your relationship with the School.

Step 4: Admission Completion

Parents will be intimated of the date and time of uniform & textbook issue

Your ward will be allotted the section on the day of admission. The time table for your ward will be handed over to your ward by the Class Teacher.

Kindly inform the School of your joining date. This is mandatory because Staff need to be informed to expect your child on a particular day and they in turn need to make preparations accordingly.

Teachers will assist your child with the syllabi which has been covered in the class till date.

Step 5 : Parent Orientation Program:

There will be a parent orientation program before the beginning of the new academic session. This program will acquaint the parents with the Vision, Mission & Ethos of the school.

Eligibility Criteria For Admission
(Year 2025-26)

  • Eligibility criteria:
    Class Entry Age
    Play Group 2 Years +
    Nursery 3 Years +
    LKG/UKG 4 Years +
    Class 1 5 Years +
    Class 2 6 Years +
    Class 3 7 Years +
    Class 4 8 Years +
    Class 5 9 Years +
    Class 6 10 Years+
    Class 7 11 Years+
    Class 8 12 Years+


  • Students are expected to maintain a high standard in their behavior and manner of speech
  • Students’ actions and language should be courteous at all times
  • Students must converse with each other in English in the school premises
  • Students should greet peers, teachers and visitors whenever they meet them
  • Attentiveness in class and regularity in home assignments is mandatory
  • School will remain open from Monday to Saturday
  • Monday to Saturday 8.00 am – 1.00 pm for 1st -VIIIth
  • Monday to Saturday 8.30 am – 12.30 pm for LKG/UKG
  • Monday to Friday 9.00 am – 12.00 pm for PG/Pre-Nur/Nursery
  • Time schedules for PTMs and school functions will be informed through school circulars and the school website bulletin board
  • Students who do not use the school transport are expected to reach 10 minutes before the first bell
  • They should also be picked up within 15 minutes after the last bell
  • Madangir Branch :- Second Saturday will be PTM  April, July, Sep, Nov, Jan & Feb months. Last Saturday Off every Month
  • Devli Branch :-Second Saturday will be PTM  May, August, Oct, Dec & Feb months. Last Saturday Off every Month


  • The uniform should be clean and well ironed daily
  • Shoes and socks should be clean
  • Personal hygiene and cleanliness must be maintained
  • Hair must be cut short in case of boys and neatly tied in two plaits/ put in place with a hairband in case of girls
  • Any kind of coloring of hair is not permitted
  • Nails should be cut short weekly. No nail paint allowed
  • Girls must wear simple earrings. No fancy jewelry allowed
  • Students are allowed to wear watches only after class 4
  • Improper turnout will invite disciplinary action

Fees Schedule 2025-26

The academic fee and and the fee for the transport are
payable on a bi-monthly basis.

Terms Date Of Payment Months
Session Fee On or before 10th April April
Bi-Monthly On or before 10th May May,June
Monthly On or before 10th July July
Bi-Monthly On or before 10th August August & Sep
Bi-Monthly On or before 10th Oct Oct & Nov
Bi-Monthly On or before 10th Dec Dec & Jan

Bi-Monthly                      On or before 10th Feb                      Feb  & March

School fee can be paid in the following ways.

  • Through fee  by cash or cheque /by direct school account/by debit /credit card/by Paytm  & phone pay by online. Fees Submission
  • A fine of Rs.10/- per day will be levied for late payment. Please avoid paying a fine
  • All parents are requested to strictly follow the Fee payment schedules. Fee/Transport fee once remitted is not refundable
Current Account number 340601010050994
IFSC code UBIN0534064

Transport Facility

1. Madangir Branch                                                          2. Devli Road Khanpur Branch

a) Pushp Vihar Sec-I, III, IV, V & VII                                a) Devli Road/Khanpur
b) DDA Flat Dakshinpuri                                                    b) Krishna Park
c) DDA Flat Madangir                                                        c) Raju Park
d) Sheikh Sarai                                                                   d) Sanik Farm
e) Chirag Delhi                                                                   e) Sangam Vihar
f) Rps Colony                                                                      f) Tigri
i) Madandir Village                                                            g) BSF Camp
j) Dakshin puri                                                                    h) Jawahar Park


For further query on admissions reach at:

Telephone : 9818257544, 9821842720 & 9643917956