Transfer Certificate (TC/SLC)
Instructions to online fill the form:
(i) This form must be filled only by parents, duly signed, and submitted at the office. Signature of both
the parents is mandatory.
(ii) In case any one of the parents is unable to sign this form, a hard copy of a handwritten/ typed
authorisation letter, requesting the issue of TC, duly signed, must be scanned and sent from your
registered mail id to [email protected]
(iii) All data for the issue of TC will be taken from the office records.
(iv) TC will be issued by the end of the academic year. (First week of April)
(v) The Transfer Certificate will be handed over ONLY to parents.
(vi) For any concerns or clarifications, kindly send an email to [email protected]
(vii) TC issue charges 500/-. It will be pay at the time of online apply. (Phonepe/Paytm No 9818257544 and 9818257544@upi)
(viii) Application will be consider after making the payment.
(ix) It will be released within 2–3 days after apply.